The 21st edition of the Radiomuse programme showcases the following artists and music: we spoke to N’Toko, one of the finest rappers in slovenian hip-hop history, we interviewed Blaž, a beat-maker, producer and writer. We listen to Muzikačaka, a solo avantgarde pop female venture and a few songs from a compilation from one of the leading D.I.Y. avant-garde, free-improv and sound exploration label Zvočni Prepihi / Sound Draughts.
The first interview of the show is with N’Toko. Miha Blažič is a rapper, producer, a journalist and activist, who hails from Novo Mesto, the urban centre of the southeast parts of Slovenia, but he has been living in the country’s capital Ljubljana for quite a few years now. He rose to prominence in Slovenian hip-hop through being a frontman of a experimental hip-hop collective Moveknowledgement and through the freestyling scene back when it was still really active. He continued his career by rapping in both English and Slovenian and went on to record 4 solo records and one in collaboration with the producer BeatMyth. In recent years he often collaborated with Blaž, another guest on today’s programme, with his most recent release being N’Toko’s album Emirates from 2017, released on Unique records from Germany.
We conducted the second interview with Blaž, a producer hailing from the seaside region of Slovenia who has become known as the “wonderkid of slovenian experimental beatmaking”. He started making music at a young age and with his dense, eclectic musical style he quickly became one of the most unique sounding artists of the second Slovenian beatmaking spring. He is a collaborator of N’Toko, he released his albums on the Beton record label ran by our radio coworker and one of the icons of the slovenian hip-hop movement Jizah DaFunk. Blaž encountered a short setback in his career after developing tinitus, a condition connected to being exposed to excessive amounts of loud music, which sparked his career in writing. Blaž wrote a novel titled Tat Not and also started creating visual art. He returned to music with his critically acclaimed album Steven from 2018. We spoke to Blaž about his career and his current activites.
Zvočni Prepihi / Sound Draughts
FULL PLAYLIST / ARTIST – SONG (Album Title/Release Title, Label, Year):
01 N’Toko - Free Hugs (album Emirates, Unique, 2017)
02 N’Toko - Emirates (album Emirates, Unique, 2017)
03 Blaž - Cloudboy (album Don’t Listen To This, Beton Records, 2016)
04 Blaž - Gangsta Angel (album Steven, Beton Records, 2018)
05 Muzikačaka - Konzumirat (album Dolgčas, self-released, 2016)
06 Muzikačaka - Snow (album Pol dan in pol noč, self-released, 2018)
07 čunfa - Demise of the Sun in C (compilation Preslišano, Zvočni Prepihi / Sound Draughts, 2019)
08 Kikiriki - Spurt (5:27) (compilation Preslišano, Zvočni Prepihi / Sound Draughts, 2019)
Produced by: Radio Študent (www.radiostudent.si), Slovenija
Prepared by Dušan Bulajić, sound mixing by Samo Pavlica; announced by Dušan Bulajić