The 19th broadcast of Radio Muse is about Fraufeld, a Viennese platform, which supports the visibility of female musicians in the fields of experimental and improvised music. Verena Zeiner, one of the founding members, will tell you something about their project and you will listen to great music by different female musicians from Vienna.
Starting in 2017 the Viennese platform Fraufeld released two compilations featuring female musicians in the fields of experimental and improvised music. The platform is very active. In 2019 they even founded their own label aroo.recordsand are hosting a concert series called Fraufeld Feldforschung at the Viennese music club rhiz. Besides Sara Zlanabitnig, Milly Groz and Anna Anderluh, Verena Zeiner is one part of the Fraufeld leading team. In this 19th broadcast of Radio Muse Verena will tell you something about the emergence of the platform as well as about their CD series and many other things.
One of the many musicians is the Viennese bass clarinet player Susanna Gartmayer. Susanna recorded two solo pieces for the first Fraufeld-sampler. She likes to call her instrument “multiphonic clarinet”, because beside pure tones, she uses all kind of sounds coming out of her instrument, like clapping sounds, breathing sounds and everything that comes along with it, as she said in the interview. Besides she is part of many other formations like Möström, Black Burst Sound Generator or The Vegetable Orchestra. In this edition of Radio Muse you will be listening to experimental music and jazz,composed and performed by female musicians from Vienna.
Anna Anderluh https://www.annaanderluh.com/
Katharina Ernst http://www.katharinaernst.com/
Judith Ferstl https://judithferstl.com/
Susanna Gartmayer http://gartmayer.klingt.org/
Lisa Hofmaninger http://www.lisahofmaninger.com/
Maria Frodl http://mariafrodl.com/
Möström http://mostrom.klingt.org/ https://unrecords.me/moestroem/
The Vegetable Orchestra http://www.vegetableorchestra.org
Verena Zeiner http://www.verenazeiner.at/
arooo. Records http://www.fraufeld.at/
Freifeld Tonträger https://www.freifeldtontraeger.com/
Transacoustic research http://www.transacoustic-research.com/
Unrecords https://unrecords.me/
Songs in running order: ARTIST – SONG (Album Title/Release Title, Label, Year)
1) Judith Ferstl - Tillsammolero (Fraufeld Vol.1, freifeld Tonträger 2017)
2) Katharina Ernst – X_08 (Fraufeld Vol.2, arooo.records 2019)
3) Verena Zeiner, Maria Frodl – What we don’t say (Fraufeld Vol.1, freifeld Tonträger 2017)
4) Lisa Hofmaninger, Judith Schwarz – Rue de Rossiers (Fraufeld Vol.1, freifeld Tonträger 2017)
5) Susanna Gartmayer – Microb Study 2 (Fraufeld Vol.1, freifeld Tonträger 2017)
6) Susanna Gartmayer – Microb Study 1 (Fraufeld Vol.1, freifeld Tonträger 2017)
7) Möström – Humpty Dumpty (We speak whale, unrecords 2015)
8) The Vegetable Orchestra – Internal Crisis (The Green Album, transacoustic research 2018)
9) Anna Anderluh – Leave me something stupid (Fraufeld Vol.2, arooo.records 2019)
Orange 94.0 (https://o94.at/), Vienna, Austria
Prepared, announced, engineered and mixed by Katrin Hauk